ក្នុងសួននេះសម្បូរទៅដោយផ្ការីកស្រស់ ពណ៌រំលេចយ៉ាងស្អាតគ្មានពីរក្នុងលោក
តែថ្ងៃនេះដូចជាចំឡែកណាស់ជាងសព្វមួយដង ព្រោះអីឃើញតែមេអំបៅញីហើរតែឯង ដោយក្នុងកែវភ្នែករបស់នាងអបដោយភាពសោកសៅ
មិនដឹងថាមានរឿងអី ……………………..ឪ!ស្នេហាហេតុអ្វីអ្នកធ្វើបាបមនុស្សសត្វម្លេះ ថ្ងៃនេះជួបជុំ
ថ្ងៃស្អែកបែកគ្នា គឺគ្រប់អ្វីៗទាំងអស់គឺមិនទៀងទាត់ឡើយ
តាមពិតទៅមេអំបៅឈ្មោលបានវង្វេងនឹងសម្រស់មេអំបៅញីថ្មីមួយទៀត ដែរមានពណ៌ស្រស់ល្អឆើត
អមដោយពណ៌រំលេច ប្រាំពីរពណ៌ គេវង្វេងមិននឹកអនុស្សារជាមួយមេអំបៅដ៏ឯកោរមួយនេះសោះ
ស្របពេលនោះមេអំបៅញីដោយសោកសៅខ្លាំងពេកក៏ភ្លេចខ្លួន មិនបានគិតពីសុវត្ថិភាពដូចសព្វដង
ក៏ត្រូវបក្សីមួយក្បាលចាប់ចឹកឆីទៅ …….ប៉ុន្មានថ្ងៃក្រោយមកមេអំបៅឈ្មោលក៏ដឹងខ្លួនវិញ ហើយសែននឹកមេអំបៅញីណាស់
គេក៏ហិចហើរតាមរកមេអំបៅញី គេបានហើរពេញក្នុងសួនដែរពួកគេតែងតែប្រលែងលេងជាមួយគ្នា
ទីនេះហើយដែរពួកគេមានអនុស្សាររាប់មិនអស់ តែអ្វីៗបានត្រឹមភាពអស់សង្ឃឹម
ព្រោះអីគេមិនបានឃើញមេអំបៅញីឡើយ ស្របពេលនេះគេក៏បានឃើញស្លាបរបស់មេអំបៅញីធ្លាក់នៅនឹងដី
ដែរគេចាំយ៉ាងច្បាស់ថាជារបស់នាង ព្រោះវាមានឆ្នូតឥន្ធូរដែរគេស្រលាញ់មិនអាចបំភ្លេចបាន
មេអំបៅឈ្មោលហើរទៅក្បែរស្លាប ពេលនោះក៏បានជួបនឹងស្រមោចដែរកំពុងតែពាំស្លាបមេអំបៅញី
ហើយស្រមោចបានប្រាប់ទៅកាន់មេអំបៅឈ្មោលតាមដែរគេបានឃើញថា ៖មានបក្សីមួយក្បាលបានឆាបឆក់ពាំនាងយកជាចំណីហើយ គ្រាន់តែស្រមោចនិយាយចប់ភ្លាម មេអំបៅឈ្មោលសែនស្រងះស្រងោច
ហើយស្តាយក្រោយជាពន់ពេក ជាងមួយថ្ងៃហើយគេមិនរកចំណីសោះ ដោយនឹកមេអំបៅញីខ្លាំងពេកគេក៏សម្រេចចិត្តហើរទៅកាន់មាត់ទឹកស្រះហើយទំលាក់ខ្លួនដើម្បីសម្លាប់ខ្លួន
ស្របពេលនោះដែរក៏មានត្រីក្រាញ់មួយក្បាលហក់ហារមាត់ខាំយកមេអំបៅឈ្មោលជាចំណីទៅ………. :(
:’( ។
The Butterfly is often scratched in a beautiful garden in the garden, full of fresh, colorful, beautifully decorated white monuments in the world. It is a heavenly home for all living beings. But today is more strange than ever because she sees a butterfly alone, in her eyes, how sad she does not know what's the matter ........................ .. love! What you've done today is a day-to-day break, everything is irregular. In fact, the butterfly has gone astray with a new, beautiful bearded beauty, accompanied by seven colorful colors. They Do not miss the lollipop with this lonely butterfly at the same time, with a sad mother, she forgot to think of the safety of her own, and a bird caught chickens ... days later the butterfly Also, the sensation and the sensuality of the new mother butterfly, they look down on the butterflies, they float in the garden, they always play together here, and they have countless memorabilia It's just disappointing because they do not see a butterfly, so it's time to see the wings of a female butterfly fall to the ground, remembering her as she has a rainbow bracelet she can not love Forget the butterfly fly to the wing, then meet the ants as they leap on a female butterfly, and the ants tell the male butterfly, they see that there is a bird She shocked her to feed, and just ants finished talking, the butterfly butterfly sings sad and sad more than a day, and they did not find any food by missing the butterfly too, they decided to fly to the mouth of the water and fall to In the meantime, there is also a chameleon bite mouth bites, take the butterfly as a feed to .......... :(: '(.
The Butterfly is often scratched in a beautiful garden in the garden, full of fresh, colorful, beautifully decorated white monuments in the world. It is a heavenly home for all living beings. But today is more strange than ever because she sees a butterfly alone, in her eyes, how sad she does not know what's the matter ........................ .. love! What you've done today is a day-to-day break, everything is irregular. In fact, the butterfly has gone astray with a new, beautiful bearded beauty, accompanied by seven colorful colors. They Do not miss the lollipop with this lonely butterfly at the same time, with a sad mother, she forgot to think of the safety of her own, and a bird caught chickens ... days later the butterfly Also, the sensation and the sensuality of the new mother butterfly, they look down on the butterflies, they float in the garden, they always play together here, and they have countless memorabilia It's just disappointing because they do not see a butterfly, so it's time to see the wings of a female butterfly fall to the ground, remembering her as she has a rainbow bracelet she can not love Forget the butterfly fly to the wing, then meet the ants as they leap on a female butterfly, and the ants tell the male butterfly, they see that there is a bird She shocked her to feed, and just ants finished talking, the butterfly butterfly sings sad and sad more than a day, and they did not find any food by missing the butterfly too, they decided to fly to the mouth of the water and fall to In the meantime, there is also a chameleon bite mouth bites, take the butterfly as a feed to .......... :(: '(.
Reviewed by KhmerForever
October 06, 2017
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